You can submit medical services and massages to your health insurance company.

We are contractual partners of Generali Gesundheitsversicherung in the field of cures and check-ups

Outpatient packages in Vienna: Prevention and balance
Inpatient treatment packages in the Geras health resort

We are a contractual partner of Generali Gesundheitsvorsorge Rundum G'sund in the field of Ayurveda treatments and outpatient health advice with massages and nutrition

We are contractual partner of the ÖGK for annual medical check-ups (direct reimbursement via the health insurance without costs).

We are contractual partners with the SVS with the right to the so-called"Health Hundreds"with simultaneous agreement of manual therapies.
The procedure for SVS policyholders is as follows:
Completion of a medical check-up or participation in the "Self-employed healthy" program
Minimum effort 150 euros
Submit the invoices and result sheet for the medical check-up by post to the DLZ Sicherheit & Gesundheit, Mozartstraße 41, 4010 Linz or by email to dlz.sg@svs.at or submit an application online